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How Stock broker companies use WhatsApp API to give insights into the portfolio to their ‘Customers’

Case Studies Conversational Leadership

Apurva Sharma

Published on 22 Mar 2023 11 min Read

In recent years, the popularity of messaging apps has grown exponentially. Among them, WhatsApp has emerged as a top messaging app used by millions of people worldwide. In fact, WhatsApp has become such a popular platform that businesses have started using it to interact with their customers. Stock broker companies are no exception. Today, we will explore how to stock broker companies use WhatsApp to give insights into their portfolio to their customers.

Stock broker companies have always strived to keep their customers informed about the latest developments in the stock market. Traditionally, they used to do this through emails, phone calls, and newsletters. However, with the rise of WhatsApp, they have a new platform to communicate with their customers. The use of WhatsApp has several advantages over traditional modes of communication.

Firstly, WhatsApp is an instant messaging platform. It means that stock broker companies can send messages to their customers in real time. This is particularly useful when the stock market experiences sudden changes, and customers need to be informed immediately. For instance, if a company’s stock price suddenly drops, the stock broker company can send an alert to its customers through WhatsApp.

Secondly, WhatsApp is a more personal platform than email or phone calls. Customers are more likely to read a message sent through WhatsApp than an email. Moreover, since WhatsApp messages are short and to the point, they are less likely to be ignored or deleted. This makes WhatsApp a more effective platform for communicating with customers.

Finally, WhatsApp is a text based communication platform, which means that stock broker companies can use it to communicate with their customers with messages. This is particularly important for small stock broker companies that may not have the budget to invest in expensive communication tools.

What is the WhatsApp Business API?

The WhatsApp Business API is a powerful tool that businesses can use to communicate with their customers. It provides a secure and reliable way for businesses to send messages to their customers on WhatsApp. The WhatsApp Business API allows businesses to send and receive messages, manage contacts, and automate messaging.

How do Stock broker companies use the WhatsApp Business API?

Stock broker companies use the WhatsApp Business API to provide their customers with real-time updates about their portfolios. They use the API to send messages about news updates, portfolio updates, stock recommendations, and more. The WhatsApp Business API is particularly useful for stock broker companies because it allows them to send messages instantly, directly to their customers’ mobile devices.

Here are some of the ways that stock broker companies use the WhatsApp Business API to give insights into the portfolio to their customers:

  • Real-time News Updates 

    Stock broker companies use the WhatsApp Business API to provide their customers with real-time news updates about the stock market. They send messages about important announcements made by companies, changes in the stock market, and regulatory updates. This helps customers stay informed about the latest developments in the market and make informed decisions.For example, a stockbroker company might send a message to its customers about a significant change in the stock market due to global events. The message could contain a summary of the situation, along with a recommendation on how customers should react to the situation. This type of real-time news update helps customers stay informed about market trends and make informed decisions about their investments.

  • Portfolio Updates 

    Stock broker companies use the WhatsApp Business API to provide their customers with real-time updates about their portfolios. They send messages about changes in the customer’s portfolio, such as the addition or removal of stock. This helps customers keep track of their investments and make adjustments if necessary.For example, a stockbroker company might send a message to its customers when a stock in its portfolio reaches a certain price. The message could contain information about the change in the stock price, along with a recommendation on whether the customer should hold onto the stock or sell it. This type of portfolio update helps customers stay informed about their investments and make informed decisions about buying and selling stocks.

  • Stock Recommendations 

    Stock broker companies use the WhatsApp Business API to provide their customers with stock recommendations. They send messages about stocks that they believe are worth investing in, along with information about the stock’s performance and potential for growth. This helps customers make informed decisions about their investments and potentially increase their profits.For example, a stockbroker company might send a message to its customers about a stock that is performing well in the market. The message could contain information about the stock’s performance, along with a recommendation on whether the customer should invest in the stock or not. This type of stock recommendation helps customers stay informed about potential investment opportunities and make informed decisions about their investments.

  • Personalized Communication 

    Stock broker companies use the WhatsApp Business API to provide personalized communication to their customers. They use the API to send messages that are tailored to the customer’s interests and investment goals. This helps customers feel more connected to the stock broker company and builds trust in the relationship.For example, a stockbroker company might send a message to a customer who has a specific investment goal, such as retirement savings. The message could contain information about investment opportunities that align with the customer’s goal.

  • One-on-One Communication 

    Stock broker companies use the WhatsApp Business API to provide one-on-one communication to their customers. They use the API to send messages directly to customers and answer their queries in real time. This helps customers feel more connected to the stock broker company and builds trust in the relationship.For example, a customer might have a question about their portfolio, such as why a certain stock is performing poorly. The stock broker company can use the WhatsApp Business API to send a message directly to the customer and answer their question. This type of one-on-one communication helps customers feel valued and builds a stronger relationship between the customer and the stock broker company.

  • Customer Support 

    Stock broker companies use the WhatsApp Business API to provide customer support to their customers. They use the API to send messages to customers who have queries or need assistance. This helps customers receive support in real time and enhances their overall experience with the stock broker company.For example, a customer might have a question about a trade they made or need assistance with their account. The stock broker company can use the WhatsApp Business API to send a message to the customer and provide them with the support they need. This type of customer support helps customers feel valued and enhances their overall experience with the stock broker company.

  • Automated Messaging 

    Stock broker companies use the WhatsApp Business API to automate messaging to their customers. They use the API to send messages automatically based on predefined triggers, such as when a stock reaches a certain price or when the customer makes a trade. This helps stock broker companies provide real-time updates to customers without the need for manual intervention.For example, a stockbroker company might set up an automated message to be sent to a customer when a stock in their portfolio reaches a certain price. The message could contain information about the change in the stock price and a recommendation on whether the customer should hold onto the stock or sell it. This type of automated messaging helps customers stay informed about their investments and make informed decisions without the need for manual intervention.


Create No-code chatbots to share investment updates with your customers on WhatsApp
  1. Determine the purpose of the bot: Before you start building the bot, you need to decide what it will be used for. Some common use cases for bots in the stock broker industry include providing customer service, assisting with trading, and providing investment advice.
  2. Choose a bot platform: There are many bot platforms available, such as WhatCX, Dialogflow, IBM Watson, and Amazon Lex. Choose a platform that suits your needs and experience.
  3. Design the conversation flow: The conversation flow refers to the structure of the bot’s interactions with users. Design a flow that is intuitive and user-friendly, and that addresses the bot’s purpose.
  4. Train the bot: You will need to train the bot using relevant data, such as stock market trends and trading strategies. This will help the bot provide accurate information and advice to users.
  5. Integrate the bot with other systems: To make the bot more effective, integrate it with other systems used by the stock broker’s company, such as the trading platform and customer service tools.
  6. Test and refine the bot: Test the bot thoroughly to ensure that it works as expected. Refine the bot’s design and functionality based on user feedback and usage data.
  7. Launch and maintain the bot: Once the bot is ready, launch it and monitor its performance. Make updates and improvements as necessary to ensure that the bot remains effective and up-to-date.
Benefits of using the WhatsApp Business API

Using the WhatsApp Business API to give insights into the portfolio to customers has several benefits for stock broker companies:

  1. Real-time updates: The WhatsApp Business API allows stock broker companies to provide real-time updates to their customers. This helps customers stay informed about the latest developments in the market and make informed decisions about their investments.
  2. Personalized communication: Using the WhatsApp Business API, stock broker companies can provide personalized communication to their customers. This helps customers feel valued and builds trust in the relationship.
  3. Enhanced customer support: The WhatsApp Business API allows stock broker companies to provide real-time customer support to their customers. This enhances the overall experience of the customer and builds a stronger relationship between the customer and the stock broker company.
  4. Automated messaging: Using the WhatsApp Business API, stock broker companies can automate messaging to their customers. This helps stock broker companies provide real-time updates to customers without the need for manual intervention.
Examples of stock broker companies using WhatsApp for sharing portfolio updates
  1. Zerodha: Zerodha is an Indian stock broker company that has used WhatsApp API to provide trading alerts and portfolio updates to its customers.
  2. HDFC Securities: HDFC Securities is another Indian stock broker company that has used WhatsApp API to provide account-related information, trade alerts, and other updates to its customers.
  3. Fidelity Investments: Fidelity Investments is a US-based stock broker company that has used WhatsApp API to provide its clients with real-time market updates and investment insights.
  4. Charles Schwab: Charles Schwab is another US-based stock broker company that has used WhatsApp API to provide its customers with account information, market insights, and other updates.
  5. Saxo Bank: Saxo Bank is a Danish investment bank that has used WhatsApp API to provide its customers with trade confirmations, market updates, and other relevant information.
The Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the WhatsApp Business API is a powerful tool that stock broker companies can use to give insights into the portfolio to their customers. The API allows stock broker companies to provide real-time updates, personalized communication, enhanced customer support, and automated messaging to their customers. Using the WhatsApp Business API, stock broker companies can build stronger relationships with their customers and enhance the overall experience of the customer. As more businesses adopt the WhatsApp Business API, we can expect to see more innovative uses of this technology in the future.

Stock broker companies have been using various communication channels, including WhatsApp, to provide their customers with insights into their portfolios. WhatsApp has become a popular messaging platform for businesses to communicate with their customers in real-time, providing quick updates on trades, account information, and market insights.

By using WhatCX’s WhatsApp API, stock broker companies can deliver personalized, relevant, and timely updates to their customers, increasing engagement and building stronger relationships. Customers can receive trade alerts, market updates, and other relevant information directly on their smartphones, providing them with a convenient and seamless trading experience.

However, it’s essential to note that the use of WhatsApp API by stock broker companies may be subject to certain regulations and restrictions. Companies need to ensure that they comply with relevant data protection and privacy regulations to protect customer data and prevent any unauthorized access.

By using WhatCX’s WhatsApp API, stock broker companies can provide their customers with a more efficient and effective trading experience, building trust and loyalty in the process.

Make your WhatsApp conversations faster, automatic, and more effective with your team.

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