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Do’s and Dont’s – while communicating with clients

Case Studies Conversational Leadership

Apurva Sharma

Published on 25 Jan 2023 6 min Read

There is a huge shift witnessed in the way businesses communicate with their stakeholders be it, clients or customers. With 2 billion active users worldwide, WhatsApp has become the preferred mode of communication for conversational commerce. It is no longer just a convenient mode to communicate but the most quickly adopted platform by the people. 

It has replaced all the chat platforms, apps, and has been widely used in every household or business. WhatsApp has become a go-to platform for urgent client communication, sending quick replies and sending voice notes if one doesn’t want to get bothered by typing huge sentences.

But apart from all this, there is a standard a person should follow while communicating officially. There is a fine line between communicating and over-communicating. To master the art of perfect communication, one should know what and what not to follow while having conversations. 

Improve your communication strategy

You were doing everything fine, be it sending notifications, regular updates, promotional messages, offers, and discounts to your clients, or asking for their feedback and review. You were polite enough to them. But still, they have blocked you or marked you spam. Ever wondered why? If not, then you should start looking at this perspective. “Many businesses aren’t as good at communicating with clients as they think they are.”

This is a matter of concern for you and your business. Not being able to set your way of communication on track in the field of conversational commerce can put you in a huge problem. And remember, WhatsApp terminates accounts for violations of its terms and conditions. This might stop you from selling your products and services on WhatsApp for a longer time period.

What should you avoid?
  1. Sending the bulk of messages is a big no-no. You have fixed an appointment and now you are sending multiple messages to confirm and remind a client of their appointment. Does that sound professional? No. Never do that.
  2. There is a limit to sending promotional messages. Promotional, sales announcements should be spaced out. Stop filling their inbox.
  3. Your client prefers working hours to converse. Anything before 9 am and after 6 pm comes across as impolite. Stick to business hours.
  4. Your client is on holiday and when they come back online they find hundreds of notifications. Never do that. They can stop your service at the same time. 
  5. Measure the frequency of the messages sent. Not keeping a tab on them could be potentially dangerous to your business.
  6. It is way too boring to read messages that are full of text only. Lack of experimentation can bore your customers. Start including images, videos, and voice-based messaging in your conversations. 
  7. The client prefers personalized responses from businesses. But if you keep on sending the same type of messages to every client, they won’t feel the personal touch. This could make them switch to other platforms.  
  8. Would you wait days for a query to get resolved? No, right. The same goes for your clients. They want immediate solutions. Responsiveness is the key to great communication. 
  9. Never use your personal number. When you do so, your clients are forced to add it manually to their contact list. And also, it’s not professional. 
  10. If you aren’t monitoring the conversations, start doing it because you have to understand what’s the reason behind losing your leads. This helps you to know how to improve and optimize your work to generate more sales.
Best practices to follow
  1. WhatsApp has its own tone of communication. It’s very different from other channels. Match your messaging campaigns with the personal tone of this channel but don’t forget professionalism. 
  2. Short and crisp responses are what your should follow for Whatsapp conversations. Clients who chat on the app are probably on-the-go or just looking at their phones for timepass.
  3. A professional business profile with a business name, address, category, description, email, and website is important for businesses. This increases clients’ trust in you and their loyalty to your business. 
  4. Ensure that your application has a real human touch. A bot won’t work for a longer-term. A human staff encourages sales, resolves issues, and engages your customers to the fullest.
  5. Your team needs to be completely skilled and experienced to respond to every message from your clients and communicate effectively.
  6. Every client is unique so your solutions should be. WhatsApp Business API has the ability to create its own personalized solutions which are designed to satisfy the unique needs of your clients. 
  7. Good communication is more than a necessity, it’s fundamental for your success in the long run. Keep a schedule, get organized, and follow a regular routine of sending promotions, news, or updates.
  8. Use WhatsApp Business for marketing and advertising your brand. But don’t just limit yourself to marketing only. Keep evolving and practicing new methods to retain your client.
  9. Stop using unprofessional profile images. Display your brand in the profile picture and use your business logo. 
  10. When you use informal language, you encourage your clients to trust you and have more conversations with you. However, the level of informality should be determined by your brand’s tone of voice.
Do it in the right way

When it comes to having business conversations, clients who are fully satisfied generally recommend the brands to their acquaintances, buy more products and services from the business, and also share positive feedback and reviews. 

The clients who end up having a poor experience while communicating definitely share their experiences with their friends or peers, stop the services immediately, and switch to other businesses with better customer service. 

Always remember if you will focus on solving every issue at the same time, you will end up solving none so instead of doing this, you can do it in the right way and in a better manner. Do not abandon the strategies that are working in your favor due to silly mistakes.

Evaluate some time to reflect and make objectives that will help you correct these mistakes.

Pro-tips to follow

  • Do not just limit yourself to sales or marketing. Add value to your messages.
  • Nobody reads long messages. Keep them short and precise.
  • Personalize messages according to relevance and need.
  • Give power to your content with multimedia.
Final thoughts

If you also think that the main pillar behind your client service is the powerful communication strategy then you should know how to do it right. The quickest and most effective way to do so is by using WhatCX to strengthen your relationships. 

Introduce WhatsApp messenger for your business to communicate with clientele. Reap a higher conversion rate, do better sales, and get benefits of lower cost of marketing. With WhatCX, go right with your communication strategy.

Make your WhatsApp conversations faster, automatic, and more effective with your team.

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